Stephan Weißbach

About me

Stephan Weißbach
GitHub | LinkedIn
room: 03.116, Biozentrum 1, Hanns-Dieter-Hüsch-Weg 15, 55128 Mainz


Current projects

  • Premature upregulation of miR-92as target RBFOX2 hijacks PTBP splicing and impairs cortical neuronal differentiation
    RBFOX2 is a RNA binding protein involved in neuronal differentiation and migration in the cerebral cortex. We use RNA-sequencing coupled with bioinformatic analysis to understand the role and partners of RBFOX2 during corticogenesis.
  • Cortexa – a comprehensive resource for studying gene expression and alternative splicing in the murine brain (
    Cortexa is a comprehensive web-portal that incorporates RNA-sequencing datasets from the mouse cerebral cortex (longitudinal or cell-specific) and the hippocampus with a focus on alternative splicing analysis.
  • Neuroimaging Denoiser – Deep Learning aided denoising of iGlu-Snfr data

    Noise is an abundant phenomenon impacting all experimental systems used in neuroscience. In imaging systems, noise affects pixels individually without any spatiotemporal relations. We employ U-Net to remove noise from microscopic imaging data.

    raw denoised

    GitHub | PyPi



* equal contribution