About me
Anna Wierczeiko
anna.wierczeiko@uni-mainz.de, anna.wierczeiko@unimedizin-mainz.de
Anselm-Franz-von-Bentzel-Weg 3, 55128 Mainz
Current project
Project 1: Analysis and detection of RNA modification using Oxford Nanopore Technologie’s sequencing techniques
RNA modifications play a crucial role in many cellular and biological processes, opening an emerging research field known as epitranscriptomics. To this date, over 150 different RNA modifications have been identified, and only recently has it been possible to map selected RNA modifications at single-nucleotide resolution. In collaboration with the Helm Group, we synthesize artificial RNA containing various base modifications and analyze them using Oxford Nanopore's direct RNA sequencing approach. By implementing machine learning algorithms, we want to establish new protocols and tools for the accurate identification of RNA base modifications alongside the nucleotide sequence. Collaborations: Stefan Mündnich, Prof. Dr. Mark Helm
Project 2: NanopoReaTA: a user-friendly tool for nanopore-seq real-time transcriptional analysis
Oxford Nanopore Technologies’ (ONT) sequencing platform offers an excellent opportunity to perform real-time analysis during sequencing. This feature allows for early insights into experimental data and accelerates a potential decision-making process for further analysis. Here we introduce NanopoReaTA, a user-friendly real-time analysis toolbox for RNA sequencing data from ONT. Sequencing results from a running or finished experiment are processed through an R Shiny-based graphical user interface (GUI) with an integrated Nextflow pipeline for whole transcriptome and
gene-specific analyses. NanopoReaTA provides visual snapshots of analysis results in progress, thus enabling interactive sequencing and rapid decision-making. The application can be installed via conda or docker and can be found on Github.
Proejct 3: Transcriptomics in health and disease
RNA-seq is the gold-standard next-generation sequencing method that is used to detect differential expression of different kinds of RNA species between different conditions at a certain time-point. In this project, I use this technique to
1. Detect Molecular Changes after Different Sport duration in Alzheimer’s disease mouse models – Collaboration: PD Dr. Kristina Endres
2. Identify immune-associated differences in gene expression between male and female patients suffering from different types of psoriasis diseases – Collaboration: Dr. Sebastian Boegel, Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Schwarting
3. Identify gene biomarker that distinguish patients suffering from rheumatic arthritis with lung involvement from those without lung involvement – Collaboration: PD Dr. med. Alexander Gerber, Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Krause
4. Investigate the communication between gut microbiota and the miRNome from feces of resilient and suceptible mouse samples - Collaboration: PD Dr. Kristina Endres
Project 4: Optimization of the Calcium Imaging Analysis Pipeline
Together with the group of Prof. Dr. Albrecht Stroh and in collaboration with the Fraunhofer ITWM, we are following the goal of improving and accelerating the analysis of calcium imaging data, starting with the automatic marking of neurons in the generated image files using deep learning. We developed some analytical procedures for calcium imaging analysis including the semi-automatic neuron detection tool ViNe-Seg, that is currently still under development and general experimental guidelines published in a book chapter. - Collaborations: LIR, Prof. Dr. Albrecht Stroh, Frauenhofer ITWM
- Nicolas Ruffini*, Saleh Altahini*, Stephan Weißbach*, Nico Weber, Jonas Milkovits, Anna Wierczeiko, Hendrik Backhaus, Albrecht Stroh, ViNe-Seg: Deep-Learning assisted segmentation of visible neurons and subsequent analysis embedded in a graphical user interface, Bioinformatics, 2024;, btae177, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btae177
- Anna Wierczeiko, Matthias Linke, Johannes Peter Friedrich, Jan Koch, Andreas Schwarting, Andreas Krause, Susanne Gerber, Alexander Gerber: "A call for gene expression analysis in whole blood of patients with RA as biomarker for RA-ILD", Journal of Rheumatology (2023)
- Anna Wierczeiko, Stefan Pastore, Stefan Mündnich, Anne Busch, Vincent Dietrich, Mark Helm, Tamer Butto* and Susanne Gerber*: NanopoReaTA: a user-friendly tool for nanopore-seq real-time transcriptional analysis. Bioinformatics, btad492, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btad492 (2023).
- Diego Pascual Cuadrado, Anna Wierczeiko, Charlotte Hewel, Susanne Gerber and Beat Lutz: Dichotomic hippocampal transcriptome after glutamatergic versus GABAergic deletion of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor, Frontiers In Synaptic Neuroscience, 13:660718. doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2021.660718 (2021)
- Anna Wierczeiko, Lena Gammel, Konstantin Radyushkin, Vu Thu Thuy Nguyen Hristo Todorov, Susanne Gerber*, Kristina Endres*. Voluntary Wheel Running Did Not Alter Gene Expression in 5xFAD Mice, but in Wild-Type Animals Exclusively After One-Day Exercise Bout, Cells 10(3), 693 (2021)
- Charlotte Hewel, Julia Kaiser, Anna Wierczeiko, Jan Linke, Christoph Reinhardt, Kristina Endres and Susanne Gerber: Common miRNA patterns of Alzheimers disease and Parkinsons disease and their putative impact on commensal gut microbiota. Frontiers in Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00113 (2019)
- Anna Wierczeiko, David Fournier, Hristo Todorov, Susanne Klingenberg, Kristina Endres and Susanne Gerber: Decoupling of DNA methylation status and gene expression levels in aging individuals, Genomics and Computational Biology, 4(2) p.e100040, jan. 2018. ISSN 2365-7154 (2018)